Sell your property

With VFP Immobilier SA, you can sell your chalet or apartment quickly and easily.

We will discuss your chalet or apartment during our first meeting, precisely addressing your needs and expectations. One of our agents will then visit your property and provide a price estimate that meets both the criteria and market prices.

  1. The Viewing
    Our estate agent will accompany you on the viewing to immerse yourself in the premises, learn about its history and, most importantly, convey it to prospective buyers so that they love it at first sight.
  2. The Estimation
    Nous sommes conscients que chaque propriété est unique. Nous faisons donc tout ce qui est nécessaire pour adopter la meilleure stratégie de mise en avant de votre bien et cela commence par l’estimation de l’appartement ou du chalet.  Une estimation juste par rapport aux prix du marché est gratuite et incluse dans nos prestations.
  3. The Valuation

After determining the price, a professional photographer will take photos of your property from the best angles. Finally, we create attractive online and offline sales packages to showcase your property using the beautiful pictures and virtual tours.

Thanks to our marketing team and various online and physical tools, promotions are launched simultaneously on multiple platforms. The aim is to make your property visible and attract the interest of potential buyers by getting them to visit your property.

4. Putting it up for sale

The aim is for potential buyers to succumb to the charms of your property.

Our team is responsible for marketing your property and accompanying prospective buyers to view it. We provide them with all the information they need to make a decision and inform them of the property’s history.

When someone makes an offer, we conduct the negotiations between the owner and the potential buyer until a final agreement is reached. Even after the purchase agreement is signed, we guide the new owner through the ownership process.

The advantage of working with a team of Verbier real estate experts like us is that we know the market inside and out, can assess and improve your property to make it a catch.

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