At the age of only 27, Alain Bruchez has been at the head of an SME for almost five years, with a staff of 3. Qualified with a CFC and federal certificate in computer science, this child of Verbier has progressively accumulated business clients in the Val de Bagnes as well as private individuals, due to his professionalism and his availability. ABclic Informatique SA has become one of the region’s leaders in the computer sector. Its main strength lies in its network of local clients who placed their trust in the company from the start. Let’s hear from this dynamic entrepreneur.

Who are your clients and what services do they require ?
For individuals, it’s essentially about managing the home network operation. We offer the set-up of Wi-Fi solutions and the installation of computers and printers. We also offer the installation of surveillance cameras to ensure the security of our clients’ property. Lastly, we sell and repair computer equipment.
As for companies, they can have diverse and varied requirements. They can have a need to install a complete workstation for their employees, the installation of a server, the set-up of a secure company network or even the set-up of a cloud system for collaborative working.
Of course, we also offer e-mail address management and the hosting of various sites and domains. As regards development, we create websites, e-commerce websites and custom-made applications.
In case of mishaps, we also offer a data recovery service and if there is a virus infection, a computer cleaning.
What elements should be put in place for good computer security ?
It doesn’t really matter what profession you’re in, everybody needs a computer. You mustn’t hesitate in opting for a professional and secure system, especially with the arrival of AI (artificial intelligence) which can create very nasty viruses.
Firstly, backups are important and often neglected. These can be done on a local server or a remote server. To reinforce the security levels, it’s advisable to complement this with a second external coded backup. In this way, in case of fire or flooding, the backup is in an off-site location.
Added to this, you need to have an efficient antivirus programme to protect your computer. If the free-of-charge antivirus systems work well, the antivirus programmes that have a cost attached allow you to fill the gaps and consolidate the security. As for firewalls, it’s useful for companies to block intrusions and to secure the network in the best possible way.
To all this we should add the human side of security. Even having access to the best system, actions of individuals are often the entrance door for a virus, particularly by opening suspect emails. It is therefore imperative to provide user training, especially in companies.
Finally, it is essential to underline that restaurant, hotel or other business owners are held responsible for the use of their public network by their clients. These owners should therefore put a tracking system in place which allows them to identify users who connect to their network.

How does your billing system work ? Flat rate or by the hour ?
Usually we work by the hour, rarely with flat rate, because nobody gains from it. Flat rate, is principally linked to recurring costs which can be billed monthly or annually such as antivirus software, hosting services or licencing.
Otherwise, we bill at an hourly rate. From the outset, we talk with the individual client to identify exactly what their needs are with the aim of giving them a personalised and custom made quote.
Your team is getting bigger. Can you introduce them to us ?
Firstly, there is Leon Moret, age 20, who comes from Bourg-Saint-Pierre. He is a real computing genius especially in the application development domain. He’s currently studying computing at the HES in Sierre.
Then there’s Mickael Bruchez who’s just joined us and who has a huge amount of experience in computing, video surveillance and the management of professional and private clients in the valley.
I can already confirm that another person will be joining our team very soon, to help with both fixing issues as well as the management of the hosting and server management of our clients.
Can we take steps to be more environmentally friendly in computing ?
We are certified Swiss Made Software and Hosting. This certifies that our clients’ data is stored on Swiss servers. The data centre has the latest technology so as to be the most ecological and secure as possible. This isn’t the case in big data centres located in other countries.
Similarly, we guarantee that the development of our applications and our websites is done exclusively in Switzerland. As long as we respect the local market we are more able to ensure fairness and durability.
Furthermore, we recycle our clients’ old material, removing the hard drives to avoid possible data leaks.

What are your challenges for the next few years ?
My first challenge will be to build my team up to 6 or 8 staff, while still conserving the same dynamic nature, the same spirit and the same harmony. To keep hold of a friendly, young team who are local.
And why not open a branch in the valley or even on the plateau to be even closer to our clients.
And what links do you have with local companies such as VFP ?
I have a close relationship with several work colleagues in the company who put their trust in me from the outset, giving me specific projects.